I have posted about my love of student numbers in the past HERE, and mentioned these class list slips there, but wanted to offer up my template today to anyone who may be looking for it. I have received a few requests over time and finally made it into a user-friendly PowerPoint file.
These little class list slips are invaluable. They are simple, temporary, and more of a placeholder before I insert the final grades or check marks into my Teacher Planner.
I love that they are so disposable because I go through several in a week. My memory is sketchy at best, especially when we're in the middle of several projects, and details are not my strength, so I always forget who turned in what and who still needs to finish an assignment.
With these little slips, I am able to keep track of these small, but important, record-keeping notes and have the information at my fingertips when I need it.
I begin by making a ton of copies and cutting them into thirds. I leave these in stacks near my desk and where I collect work.
Sometimes our Turn-In Bin works, but for math homework and in-class projects, I want to know who has completed the work or not as soon as I can.
I have 26 students in class this year, so the bottom space of my checklist is where I will write the assignment and the date. I then call several students up at a time and check off who turns in their work.
If they don't have it, I put a circle and can add a checkmark later when it comes in. If it hasn't come in my Friday, they will need to complete it in Friday's Ketchup & Pickle Time.
The nice part about these slips is that I can keep them paper-clipped along with the assignments so I can make sure everything is in the same stack.
I am much more of a "pile" person than a "file" person, so this system works well within my comfort zone. When all of the assignments have been turned in by Friday or earlier, I can grade the assignments, record the information in my Teacher Planner, toss the slip, and send the work home.

As an added bonus, I send a slip home at the beginning of the year so students have their classmates' names. Another copy will also go home in early February to make sure that every student can make a Valentine's Day card for each person in the class.
Multiple copies are also left out for substitutes and we'll use them in class when students need to create Smile Files, visit each person's project to give feedback, when the Clean-Up Crew checks for clean bins, etc.
I have this template available as a freebie in Dropbox HERE. Simply download it to PowerPoint and fill in the spaces with your own class list and you'll be good to go!
I have copied these in different colors to coordinate with different subjects, too (read more about my color-coding HERE), but even having these on plain white paper is good enough to help keep me organized and accountable with all of the student works that comes my way in a week.
I hope this can help in your system, too! Happy teaching!

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