My Favorite Presidents' Day Read Alouds

February is a short month, but is filled with many holidays and notable events. One of these is Presidents' Day and I am excited to be sharing some of my favorite read alouds to have your students become more familiar with the big names behind this holiday, as well as the overall job.

If you've seen any of my previous collections, you know that I always highly recommend the "I am" books by Meltzer, both for Lincoln and Washington. His books are always a hit for any biography project you do. He focuses on the defining character traits of these presidents, as well as their works, and the comic-style illustrations make these a popular choice in class.

Some of these books delve into the roles and responsibilities of the Commander-in-Chief, but through the lens of a child, so they make very relatable, yet informative, read alouds. If I Were President tops my list of choices for this purpose.

The Who Was? biographies for both Lincoln and Washington are a part of a great biographical series, and the picture book about George Washington's birthday is the perfect intro into the life and childhood of our first president.

I like to include the role of the First Ladies, beyond their role as presidential spouse, so be sure to check out the Smart About and Big Deal books for some very cool contributions from these women throughout the history of our country.

To read more about these books, simply click on any of the covers below. Each will link you directly to its page on Amazon where you can preview the inside, read the reviews, and find similar titles.

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I hope this list gives you lots of ideas for read alouds for this time of year, or any time of the year you study government and the presidency. Be sure to let me know of any additional titles in the comments. I would love to add to this collection!

To find my complete collection of read aloud suggestions, see my growing list here:

Happy reading!

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