I use the Erin Condren Teacher Planner in school, but every night, I rely on my Life Planner to keep me organized for the day and week ahead. I use the 7x9" size and keep it on my counter with a lot of pencil marks, erasures, and sticky notes to try and keep track of my schedule & my little girl's activities.
The format that I have found works best for me is the hourly-- even though I'm at school for eight hours a day, I find I use up most of the lines with to-do's, activities, meetings, and reminders. My Teacher Planner stays nice and organized, but my Life Planner is the workhorse!
I was thrilled to be asked to share these new designs and features with you, the most exciting of which is the new hardbound Life Planner! More on that soon, but first, my new hourly Life Planner for this summer and next school year:
Coiled Life Planner
I tend to think of years like a teacher, so I love that you can start these in the summer and have one run through the entire school year. Is that just a teacher thing? I noticed right away that the paper was thicker and I am in love! It makes the colors pop even more!
Also new is this small planning page at the end of each month. Four circles, two-columns of lines, and a blank box with a splash of color thrown in-- I love this! Circles can capture words I'm focusing on for the month, lines for quotes, ideas, or a brain dump, and the blank box for doodles, more quotes... this page has a lot of possibilities!
The color scheme matches the upcoming month, so it's a great place to dream and scheme the upcoming 30-ish days.
The color scheme matches the upcoming month, so it's a great place to dream and scheme the upcoming 30-ish days.
I am loving the colorful versions of these after going neutral last year. The designs and bright bursts of color across each page was something I missed more than I thought I would. The general design is similar, which is good for a creature of habit like myself. Each day begins at 6am and ends at 7pm, with two lines for each hour and an extra set of blank lines at the bottom. Weeks still run Monday-Sunday and to the left of each week is a box for quotes, stickers, thankful thoughts, etc. and bullet point lines below.
I'm not joking when I tell you that every part of this page gets used for me each week!
The quotes are beautiful at the start of each month and the new watercolor petal design is very rich and detailed. It's simply stunning in person!
At the end of all of the dates (mine ends in December of 2018), there are lined pages, dot pages, coloring pages, and four pages of stickers. There are still the blank flags, but the three other pages are filled to the brim with metallic multi-purpose stickers. This is a great addition this year!
A pocket at the end holds the included perpetual calendar and the covers are interchangeable, so they fit with my ever-growing collection of beautiful covers I've collected from them over the years.
Hardbound Life Planner
This book is absolutely gorgeous! I received the turquoise and love its simple, but stylish cover design. It is soft with a metallic asterisk in the corner and on the binding there is a small 2017-2018 on the top.
This book has the vertical layout, which divides each day into three parts, You could do a morning, afternoon, evening or what I have done in the past, school, blog, life, in an attempt to keep each category organized. Because the boxes are unlined, there is a lot of creative freedom you have to decorate and fill in these days as you like. I use a lot of stickers in my Teacher Planner and they would also work beautifully in here. Underneath each day four blank lines for any additional notes, to-dos, meal planning, ideas, etc.
While this is a colorful layout, the colors are more pastel and subdued compared to the coiled Life Planner. This adds to the sophistication, in my opinion, and I would have no problem leaving this out and open for anyone to see-- it's stunning!
The pages are sewn in, not glued, so there's no chance of one slipping out or falling apart during the year. I found that it lay nicely when I opened to the beginning of the year and the ribbon bookmark that is attached helped to keep my place if it does need to be closed. Plus, when closed, you can see that the edge of the pages are also turquoise. I love these extra design details!
The main design theme in the turquoise hardbound Life Planner is the classic Fleur Feliz pattern, but each cover color has its own interior design! Plus, they are available in 5x8" and 8x10", which is the size I have. These are truly beautiful and worth taking a close look at, especially if you are a fan of the vertical layout.
As usual, Erin Condren knocks it out of the park when it comes to planner accessories. There are so many options, no matter how you plan, you're bound to find something that can help make the process easier, or at least look fancier.
The dual-tipped marker colors are new and I am amazed how much I have been using these in my classroom since I received the original colors a few months back. The thin side are like Flair tip pens and the thicker side is like a marker, so I use them on student work, making lists, marking off my to do list and more.
Plus, did you see the new sticky notes? I'm dying with excitement! There's a longer lined list that is sticky on about a third of the back, and loads more designs to flag, notetake, and remind all over your planner. I am going to stock up on these for my Teacher Planner, too-- these designs are right up my alley and will get tons of use both in my home and classroom.
A huge thank you to Erin Condren for the chance to sneak a peek at these amazing new designs. They are all available for preorder now, so hopefully you have some
Plus, did you see the new sticky notes? I'm dying with excitement! There's a longer lined list that is sticky on about a third of the back, and loads more designs to flag, notetake, and remind all over your planner. I am going to stock up on these for my Teacher Planner, too-- these designs are right up my alley and will get tons of use both in my home and classroom.
A huge thank you to Erin Condren for the chance to sneak a peek at these amazing new designs. They are all available for preorder now, so hopefully you have some
If you are new to Erin Condren, sign up HERE to receive $10 off your first order.
To see more about Erin Condren on my blog, click HERE.
For stickers to use with your planner, visit my Etsy Shop HERE.
Happy planning!

Have you heard anything about the release date for the Teacher Planner?