Teacher Appreciation Week Giveaways!

This celebration always seems to come at the right time-- we're out of school at the end of May and I am feeling both rushed to get everything done and the need to slow down and savor these last few weeks with this year's group. It is always such a great reminder in the midst of all of this to remember that we are indeed appreciated, not just this week, but all year long, by our students, our colleagues, our community, and by each other. I hope you get the chance to feel that appreciation and gratitude this week, no matter what the to-do lists are saying and what deadlines are approaching.

In order to help with that, I am so excited to offer several giveaways to two of my favorite stores: Teachers Pay Teachers and Erin Condren!

By entering below, you are getting the chance to win one of two $25 gift cards to Teachers Pay Teachers for any item(s) of your choice! You are also getting the chance to win one of two "Lead" Designer Totes from Erin Condren.

There are lots of easy ways to enter for one of these four prizes. I'll choose four winners Sunday, May 7th. Be sure to spread the word to your other teacher friends and colleagues. Thank you for the work you do and the support you give in your classroom and beyond. Feel the love this week and know you are making a difference each and every day to your students and your community!

Best of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love the end of school when testing is over!

  2. The best part of my year comes from building community with my students and then seeing them spread kindness to each other all year long!

  3. Field Day fun! This year was a blast.

  4. My favorite part of the year was seeing my students' growth from the beginning of the year til now. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. The best part of the school year this year was starting a new school and making some really great friends at work!

  6. Not only do I love it when I know my students appreciate me, but when fellow colleagues and the parents do, too. It's the smiles and the words of encouragement along the way that make it all wonderful.

  7. The best part of this year was finally finding my niche, and becoming confident in my teaching! I had a challenging student email me and tell me that I was the best teacher they'd ever had. <3

  8. Having some great parent helpers this year. Also watching the growth on some of my low kids.

  9. The best part of my year was watching my kids develop a love for reading and books!

  10. I love your testing sign. Thanks

  11. Leaving kindergarten to move to 3rd grade! Both excited and nervous!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My most memorable moment was having a baby shower on my last day before maternity leave. So special to celebrate with my students!

  14. Seeing the "light bulb" turn on when my 3rd graders learned the difference between inference and prediction!

  15. Switching to a new position

  16. My best part of the year was starting our shark unit! I've never seen my kids so engaged.

  17. My most memorable part of this school year was when the student who always mumbled good morning, never looked me in the eye, and always grunted and complained about everything- GAVE ME A HUG out of the blue!

  18. The field trip to roller skating. Brings back memories.

  19. My most memorable part of the school year is coaching 10 amazing teachers and their students!!!!

  20. Just last week I got to tell a student how much she ROCKED a state test and just seeing her smile....it was so worth it!

  21. Representing our school as teacher of the year has been a fun experience.

  22. My favorite part is finishing end of the year testing!

  23. My most memorable experience this school year has been watching my third graders grow so much as learners.

  24. I love the first day of school, that is almost always my most memorable moment.

  25. My most memorable moment this year was watching one of my boys encourage a girl in our class to keep a GROWTH MINDSET. His sister had recently passed away suddenly, yet he still was able to have a positive impact on his friend that was overwhelmed with fractions. There are days I learn from them!

  26. I love making our Native American dioramas at Thanksgiving time.

  27. My most memorable moment was when my student moved from a nonreader to a level C reader! His hard work paid off and he is beginning to have more confidence in his reading.

  28. My most memorable moment was watching the excitement my students had while studying their families for their heritage project.

  29. My most memorable moment was watching my students work together to solve a STEM challenge. There was a lot of exciting yelling and laughing!

  30. My most memorable moment was at a parent teacher conference when a parent told me that her son never really enjoyed school until he was in my class.

  31. Most memorable moment this year was getting to know all of my students!

  32. This has been the best class I have ever taught!

  33. Several former students came back to see me this year and it just made my day!

  34. Seeing my students enjoy a math problem.

  35. Hearing my PPK and PK students giggle while having a brain break watching GoNoodle!

  36. My most memorable moment was when a struggling learner finally got all his spelling words right! The look on his face was priceless.

  37. My most memorable moment this year was hearing that our town passed the budget for new additons to our school (goodbye portables)!

  38. My most memorable part of this school year has had nothing to do with academics. It is the little life lessons that I have tried to instill in my kiddos come to fruition. I love when they can repeat words of wisdom to other students.

  39. Having students look back at their accompishments and how the progress they have made!

  40. My most memorable part of this year was switching to becoming a librarian in our school. I now get to work with all of the grades, which I love. I've had a ton of fun coming up with unique ideas to use in our library classes, and I look forward to expanding on those next year.

  41. My most memorable moments have been getting a couple of Donors Choose projects funded. They have allowed us to do some great video projects and reports!

  42. The most memorable part of every year is seeing how much growth my students have made. Their growth and success make all the time and effort worth it. Thanks for a generous giveaway!

  43. The most memorable part of my year is the amazing student teacher I had this year.

  44. I had a great high school intern this year.

  45. I love when my shy students start opening up and feel more confident.

  46. My highlight of the year so far was when my 8th graders took ownership of their book Clubs! They read the whole book themselves, created their discussion questions & completed a project!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My favorite memory from this year was when a kiddo gave me a huge hug because they finally understood 2D subtraction with regrouping! Yay!

  48. Learning how to not set off the boy in my class with NO sweat glands. He can have seizures. I was scared of that and I had to learn how to keep him in order and not upset him. The day I hit Bingo I was so happy and so was he!

  49. My most memorable moment was telling my students that I am pregnant! Their faces were priceless!

  50. My most memorable moment this year was seeing the growth my students have made and the transformation my student made since her first day.

  51. Watching how much my students have grown in their academic abilities!

  52. Watching my newcomer, who spoke no English, interacting, participating, and sharing his learning with others

  53. One of many memories is seeing them grow as readers ~ very exciting time of year!

  54. I had to make a HUGE decision and I hope it was the right one.

  55. I enjoy my class they are full of personality. Having lunch with them in the classroom is always a memory worth keeping.

  56. The most memorable part of my year was seeing my students grow as readers and writers!

  57. The most merable moment his year for me was telling my students I was having a baby. We did an addition solve the code paper and read the secret message at the end. :)

  58. My most memorable moment was when one of my struggling kiddos finally "got it"! Oh the joy on both of our faces!

  59. The most memorable part of my year was seeing my students grow in math!

  60. The most memorable part of this year was watching their eyes light up when they finally got a concept that was difficult for them.

  61. I struggle this time of year...I start getting excited to plan for next year.

  62. My most memorable moment this year was becoming an ambassador for the next generation science standards.

  63. My most memorable moment was when I had students get a concept when they have struggled all year. Their concept ah ha moment was equivalent fractions.

  64. Seeing the growth of all my students is my most memorable moment of this year! Also my favorite time of the year!

  65. The best part of this school year was that my son was in my class. Loved having him!

  66. This week one of my really tough kids gave me a huge hug. Buidling a relationship was challenging but so worth it!

  67. My most memorable moments were when the kids applied or remembered something previous classes struggled with learning.
