I will often link things from my blog, Facebook page, or Instagram to deals or fun finds I come across. All of my themed read aloud collections are linked as well, and I was looking for a way to make these kinds of collections easier to keep organized. Opening nine separate tabs for Earth Day read alouds isn't the most user-friendly approach!
So, I am happy to share my new "Favorite Things Amazon Store" HERE. It is also linked to my "Shop" tab above. From here, you will find all of my collections in one easy place, hosted by Amazon.
All of my read aloud collections and more will be linked on the left sidebar. You can then click any of the items to be taken to the Amazon page. And don't be fooled my the weird price ranges, it takes you to the normal listing when you click. I love Sharpie pens, but $1K is a bit ridiculous!
As I continue to add more read aloud collections, besides finding them on the blog and the clickable image, you will be able find them here. I've also added resources based on Facebook posts around flexible seating and ideas we're trying or will try as our school moves in that direction next year. I anticipate adding more diverse collections as the year progresses and will continue to curate each category carefully.
I hope this can help make navigating these collections a bit easier and help you locate great, teacher-approved resources when you need them.
Happy Amazon-ing!

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