I always start the year with bookmarks with rotations built in. I find this to be a good management strategy as the kids get to know me, I get to know them, and we settle into our classroom's rules and expectations. To learn how to make your own bookmarks, click HERE.

At this point in the year, though, I want the kids to be choosing their own rotations and making choices about where and how they are going to spend their time.
We don't have the time to plan each day, so every Friday, I have the kids plan for the week ahead using our Reader's Workshop Weekly Planner:

This is a full-size page, but I shrink it down to print two-to-a-page and find that size works perfectly. I copy it on blue paper (read more about my color coding HERE) and they keep it with them in their blue Reading Folders.
Each Friday, students receive a blank form and will begin my automatically entering in their "Teacher Time" (TT) space. This is our Guided Reading time, so it's the one non-negotiable when it comes to their schedules.

The other codes can be plugged in where the kids like-- there is a number next to each that they will need to follow. I want to make sure they are dedicating most of their time to Read to Self (4x/week) and Word Work (4x/week). Listen to Reading (1x/week) and Read with Someone (2x/week) are both for fluency practice, so they do those less now that the year is in full-swing.
The last option is Accelerated Reader, or AR. I have kids do this on their own at their own pace during Read to Self. We have Chromebooks in our classroom and my kids have been using AR for a year or two before they get to me, so it's a quick and easy to understand process for them. Days they take an AR Test they will add AR to their RTS square. Interested in a freebie AR Tracker? Click HERE.
At the end of each Reader's Workshop time, we will touch base whole-class and grade ourselves on how we did. We use my Mountain Climbers for this time of grading and I find that kids are very honest about this since they are so used to this scale.
I collect these on Friday and hand out new ones and the process continues! I have found that it has helped them develop the leadership skills we've been chatting about and also fits beautifully into our goal-setting discussions.
Here's one example from this week's goal-setting meeting:
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To read more about goal-setting in my classroom, click HERE to get started! |
If you'd like to pick up this freebie, click HERE. There are three versions: one like mine shown above, one without the number requirements, and one editable PDF where you can add in your own choices to fit your class' needs! Enjoy!!
Disclaimer: The Daily 5 & CAFE resources are unofficial adaptations of the Daily 5 by Gail Boushey & Joan Moser. This freebie is not endorsed by the 2 Sisters. http://www.thedailycafe.com.
How do you monitor one choice not getting picked too much? For example of I have 3 classroom computers for Listen to Reading - how would I make sure my whole class doesn't pick that first? Any suggestions? Thanks!
Pencils, Plans, & Pinteresting Ideas
As they were filling them out, I wandered around the room and would make observations aloud about where I saw Listen to Reading the most. Several kids chose to mix it up after that. Plus, we are fortunate that we have a decent amount of Chromebooks so it would be rare to be completely out. If I had only three, I would probably schedule kids into a certain time slot to make sure everyone had equal access. They could still plan their Read to Self, Word Work, etc. though! Hope that helps :)