- Read to Self
- Read with Someone
- Word Work
- Listen to Reading
- Read with a Teacher/Teacher Time
Here is our anchor chart:
Once I feel we have a decent handle on the other four choices, I will introduce this last option. I basically run this session like a guided reading session where students are broken up by reading level into small groups and we read though authentic texts and I teach reading strategies, like those found within The CAFE Book and others that relate to the needs of my students.
What I have had to teach is that when I am leading a small group, I am not to be interrupted by a student except for "emergencies"- so, this means no "Can I sharpen my pencil?" or "I can't find my bookmark" interruptions. For the most part, my students have a really good handle on this.
We do have a running phrase in our classroom: Ask 3 Before Me
Have you ever used this? It is something I introduce in the first few days of school and refer to it
Here is a helpful video:
I love how she likened this strategy to the work environment- genius!
**Note: this is NOT for curricular questions or if a student doesn't understand something instructional. This is for little things, like help in finding a bookmark or where to put the iPod when they are done- questions about procedure or other topics that we have gone over as a class and that three other classmates could easily help them answer.
This phrase helps free me up to work with my group. I will also hold up three fingers if I am meeting in a group and am interrupted to remind them to "Ask 3"
Here is a great room sign from Google Docs:
What's up next in the Daily 5 Series?- Daily 5 Packet- How I keep students accountable during this time
- Center Organization- Word Work, Partner Reading, and more
- Some CAFE strategies and resources
- Spelling Folders that help with Word Work
- and??

I'm glad you like my poster! I look forward to reading the rest of your series!
Down Under Teacher
Thanks Kylie! You have great resources, I really appreciate you sharing them :)
I love your Daily 5 post! I love Daily 5. I am new to the blogging world. During the month of April I am focusing in the Daily 5 too...great minds think alike. If you have time check out my blog. WWW.spoutinabout2nd.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love your Daily 5 post! I love Daily 5. I am new to the blogging world. During the month of April I am focusing in the Daily 5 too...great minds think alike. If you have time check out my blog. WWW.spoutinabout2nd.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love your Daily 5 post! I love Daily 5. I am new to the blogging world. During the month of April I am focusing in the Daily 5 too...great minds think alike. If you have time check out my blog. WWW.spoutinabout2nd.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love your Daily 5 post! I love Daily 5. I am new to the blogging world. During the month of April I am focusing in the Daily 5 too...great minds think alike. If you have time check out my blog. WWW.spoutinabout2nd.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love your Daily 5 series! It is wonderful! I have been using it in my classroom this year, but of course it is far from perfect! What I would love is to find another teacher who uses it and has a good system down that I could go and watch in the classroom! Until I find that though I love seeing what you are doing in your room with the Daily 5!!
Lessons with Laughter
This is a great idea!! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMiss J
❤Smiles, Crayons, and Endless Stories