- Read to Self
- Read with Someone
- Word Work
- Listen to Reading
- Read with a Teacher/Teacher Time
That was my biggest question, challenge, and barrier to launching the Daily 5 (D5) in my class this year. I had read the book, followed blogs, looked on Pinterest, but taking that initial step was the hardest part!
After we had set up each choice as a class, written our expectations anchor charts, and modeled what was the wrong way and the right way to work in each center, I began trying several ways to make this work class-wide.
1. Finding the Time
I first had to find a large chunk of time for this- being able to get through as many choices as possible in a week was important, so I lumped some of my language study time in with my Reader's Workshop time to get a big block of 75(ish) minutes. That allowed me to have 3 25-minute sessions each day. I knew that kids would be able to work on their spelling words during Word Work time, so I just had to challenge myself to be extra-purposeful with the remaining Language Study time I had not lumped into D5.
2. Building the D5 Lingo
I then began splitting our practice sessions, once our stamina had been built to a significant amount, into these three sessions. I began referring to these different breaks as "sessions" and used the different D5 choice names as I saw kiddos working on them- I wanted the wording and vocabulary to become part of their lexicon this year so that we could build this Daily 5 work time together.
3. Lots of Positive Reinforcement
Along with using the D5 names, I would use the Clip Chart to have kids clip up for showing great effort during Word Work time, or great Independence during Read to Self time. Remember the assets that were listed on the top of each D5 Anchor Chart? That is what I was looking to positively reinforce around the class during these sessions, and it worked out great!
4. D5 Session Cards
I know that the 2 Sisters want kids to be able to choose what center they will work on for that day or session, but at first, I needed to have a bit more structure and give the kids more direction until we were comfortable with each choice. I therefore used the ah-ma-zing D5 signs from Kindertastic to create large bookmarks for my kids.
And here is how mine turned out:

5.Incorporate the Bookmarks, Teacher Time, and Sessions
Once we had our bucket full of D5 bookmarks and my students were able to maintain enough stamina to work independently, I could incorporate Teacher Time (Guided Reading/Lit Circle Time) into our schedule and get Daily 5 completely off of the ground!
Here's how a typical week works:
3 sessions each day
Session 1- everyone is working on the first picture on their bookmark
Session 2- I meet with one small group, my literacy teacher meets with another small group, all of the other kids are working on Picture #2
Session 3- I meet with the other small group, my literacy teacher meets with her other small group, the kids who were just in Teacher Time now work on Picture #2
Session 1- everyone is working on the 3rd picture on their bookmark
Session 2- I meet with one small group, my literacy teacher meets with another small group, all of the other kids are working on Picture #4
Session 3- I meet with the other small group, my literacy teacher meets with her other small group, the kids who were just in Teacher Time now work on Picture #4
At the end of D5 time on Tuesday, I collect the bookmarks
Before we get started, kids choose a new bookmark
Session 1- everyone is working on the first picture on their bookmark
Session 2- I meet with one small group, my literacy teacher meets with another small group, all of the other kids are working on Picture #2
Session 3- I meet with the other small group, my literacy teacher meets with her other small group, the kids who were just in Teacher Time now work on Picture #2
Session 1- everyone is working on the 3rd picture on their bookmark
Session 2- I meet with one small group, my literacy teacher meets with another small group, all of the other kids are working on Picture #4
Session 3- I meet with the other small group, my literacy teacher meets with her other small group, the kids who were just in Teacher Time now work on Picture #4
At the end of D5 time on Thursday, I collect the bookmarks & D5 Packets (coming soon in the D5 Series)
Here is how kids know what session they are in Teacher Time and who they are meeting with:
It looks crazy, but it works out very, very well, I promise! I love that I am able to meet with my groups for 25 minutes every day- it has made my teaching so much better because the time is shorter, so we maximize it! This also allows us to get through the other 4 choices twice every week, which I think is pretty good!
Also, my students seem to love it since it breaks up the time with a teacher so they can be independent for 2/3 of the time, which they love.
While I would love the idea of kids picking and choosing where they want to go and what they want to work on, I haven't yet found a system that was as easy and quick as this one. I may experiment with some of the ideas I've seen floating around Pinterest. Do you have a quick & easy system for kids to choose their own? I still want them to get to both as the week progresses, not just hang out on the iPod all day, every day- there may be some problems if that happens :)

Oh wow. I love, love, love your step-by-step of Daily 5 setup!
ReplyDeleteI plan on reading the book this summer, and I know if I decide to implement it, I will be SO glad I found your blog to follow! You really do make it sound simple, and I love how you compiled some sources of inspiration, too!
Awesome post!
Luckeyfrog's Lilypad
You are so sweet, thanks for your comment and I am glad I could help. Daily 5 really has reinvigorated my teaching and I hope it will for you, too. Plus, with so many great resources and Pins, what's not to love?! :)
I just found your blog and LOVE it! I'm a second grade teacher and it sounds like we are doing many of the same things. I also use whole brain teaching, clip chart, voice levels, and daily five with the same bookmark system. I love how you have included the gestures you use in your posts and your ideas for morning meeting and routines! Thanks so much for sharing!!
ReplyDeleteI am in LOVE with your blog. Thank you so much for the CRAFT idea..I am going to implement that into my classroom next year. What are some examples of ideas you put under the letter for responding to text? Things like using complete sentences, beginning your writing with part of the question in your answer, are things popping into my mind...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :) Thank you again!
ReplyDeleteLove all you do. Could you please share your book marks for D5?
ReplyDeleteHi Marie,
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going to do a post on the strategies I use on the CRAFT board in the near future- it's on my summer to-do list :) I agree- there are so many possibilities and I am so excited about posting writing strategies in this way!
I did not make the graphics, but they can be found by clicking on the "Word Work" picture above and from there, I just printed them out and assembled them into different orders to make sure no group was too big at any one session. Hope that helps!
I love, love, love your D5 ideas. I really like the bookmark idea for keeping them organized without it being so rigid. The way I had planned to let them have choice was to have each kid have a clothespin that represented each station (so already, that's a lot of clothespins to manage). Have a chart for each station that had an allotted number of spaces (just a piece of paper with a certain number of circles around the edge). The students could choose which station they went to at a given time by clipping the pin to the corresponding paper, and at the end of the time, the clips were put into a central location so that the students had to choose a different spot until all had been visited. It would take a lot to get that running smoothly, though. I like the bookmark idea.
Ok, this may seem like a dumb question, but how many guided reading groups do you have? Also, in the first sessions, you don't meet with a group. What are you doing during that time? (I know that I can do assessments, etc, but just want to see what another person does! :)). I am really excited to get this off the ground this year with the bookmark system. I think it looks so great! :) Thanks for your help!
ReplyDeleteHave you considered posting the book marks on TPT?
ReplyDeleteLOVE this idea!! Do you ever find that students waste time picking a "buddy" during buddy read time? Since time is limited, how do your students know who else is in buddy read during that time if there is no visible "check in chart?"
ReplyDeleteHi Stephanie! I was just wondering if you work in meeting with students individually as described in CAFE? I am trying to implement a modified D5 this year and am struggling with how to manage small group work, focus lessons, D5 choices, and meeting with students individually. I see the value in all of it but cannot see the big picture of how to fit it all in. I have my ELA students 80 minutes a day and we switch for ELA. I do not have another teacher that works in my room. Any thoughts would be appreciated! I LOVE all your organizational ideas!
Fourth Grade Flipper
Any chance you can share your bookmarks? I would love to use them in my classroom.
I absolutely love your blog! I am going to create the bookmarks and try your rotations for Daily 5 time. How/where can I download the font and cute kiddos clipart that you have used on these posters? I want to make another poster because I also have my students work on the computers during Daily 5 time. Let me know.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. I will be starting the Daily 5 for the first time this year and this helped me tremendously! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteTeaching 3rd with Mr. G
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I LOVE following your blog! You share so many things I want to try in my 3rd grade classroom!
ReplyDeleteYou have a great blog! I am a brand new teacher this year and am a bit nervous but your ideas, tips and step-by-steps are helping tremendously! Thank you so much for what you do!
ReplyDelete~ Shauna.